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Scarring Compensation Claims

Lacerations and Scarring Compensation Claims


Duncan Lewis Personal Injury Solicitors for Lacerations and Scarring Compensation Claims


No Win No Fee Claims for Lacerations and Scarring Compensation


Duncan Lewis is one of the UK’s leading firms of personal injury and Legal Aid solicitors – and can advise on how to make a no win no fee compensation claim for lacerations and scarring if the injury occurred as a result of someone else’s negligence.


Lacerations and Scarring Compensation Claims


Lacerations and scarring which result from work-related injury caused by employer negligence – or as a result of an accident caused by someone else’s negligence, or surgical error – are eligible for lacerations and scarring compensation claims.


The main risks associated with lacerations include:

  • Amputation – in the most severe cases of laceration to a limb, amputation may be necessary
  • Fractured bones/Broken bones – if the laceration reaches the bone, a fracture or broken bone requiring surgery may result
  • Infection – antibiotics or a tetanus injection may be needed
  • Muscle damage – lacerations can cut through muscles and result in a long healing period and rehabilitation
  • Nerve damage – lacerations cut through tissue contain vital nerves and injury can result in numbness and nerve pain
  • Skin grafts – in cases of severe lacerations, skin grafts or cosmetic surgery may be needed
  • Surgery – deep lacerations such as the type caused in industrial accidents or road traffic accidents may require emergency surgery and a long period of rehabilitation
  • Tissue damage – beneath the skin are many different layers – such as subcutaneous tissue –which can be damaged as a result of laceration.
Treating lacerations


Deep lacerations are usually stitched, sutured or even glued together to prevent infection and help damaged tissues heal.


Laceration wounds must be thoroughly cleaned before any treatment – and kept clean and dry while healing.


Getting the right medical diagnosis and treatment in time can be crucial to preventing infection, so if avoidable delays occur in diagnosis or treatment leading to infection in the wound and/or severe scarring, a claim for medial negligence could be made.


Scarring from lacerations is common – and permanent scars may result in psychological damage if they are pronounced or disfiguring scars or the victim relies on their appearance to earn a living.


Lacerations and scarring from Criminal Injuries such as assault involving a knife or a sword attack can be especially distressing, particularly if facial disfigurement results.


Scarring can be repaired with a surgical procedure known as scar revision or scar removal surgery – this may involve surgically excising the original scar and re-stitching the wound site to leave a finer scar.


Making a Claim for Lacerations and Scarring


Lacerations and scarring as a result of another party’s negligence can be made for:

  • Accident and injury at work
  • Accident in public places
  • Animal attacks
  • Dog bite injury
  • Criminal injuries
  • Factory workers injured at work
  • Faulty products
  • Holiday accidents
  • Industrial accidents
  • Military accidents
  • Motorbike accidents
  • Office staff injured at work
  • Police officers injured at work
  • Road traffic accidents (RTAs)
  • School accidents
  • Sports injuries
  • Tree surgeon injured at work.

Work injuries resulting in lacerations and scarring should be reported to the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) – an employer can complete a RIDDOR form online.


Any laceration injuries which result in an employee being off work or unable to perform their normal duties for seven consecutive days or more should be reported to the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) within 15 days.


How much compensation can I claim Lacerations and Scarring?


Claims for Lacerations and Scarring Compensation include:

  • General Damages for pain, suffering and loss of amenity
    The exact amount will be assessed according to the extent of injury, estimated recovery time and rehabilitation needed and how the injury affects the victim.
  • Special Damages to cover medical fees and out-of-pocket expenses
    Expenses might include physiotherapy, loss of earnings, travel expenses to hospital. Ongoing care, loss of future salary and pension would be included if appropriate.
Who pays Compensation in Lacerations and Scarring Claims?


If you sustained lacerations and scarring as a result of a work accident or injury, it is your employer’s insurer who will pay compensation – or the insurer of the party which caused the injury, such as a motorist who caused a road traffic accident which resulted in lacerations and scarring.


Will I have to go to court to claim compensation?

Your Duncan Lewis personal injury solicitor will keep you fully informed at all stages of the case.


Most compensation claims for lacerations and scarring are settled out-of-court – Duncan Lewis personal injury lawyers negotiate hard to get the best settlement for you.


But if a court hearing is necessary, Duncan Lewis instructs leading barristers who specialise in personal injury cases, to make sure you have the best legal representation possible.


Compensation paid to minors for lacerations and scarring claims has to be approved at an Infant Settlement Hearing at the local County Court – the child and their “Litigation Friend” (usually a parent or guardian) have to attend this hearing.

Why Duncan Lewis is the best solicitor for Lacerations and Scarring Compensation Claims

  • Duncan Lewis personal injury solicitors understand just how devastating lacerations and scarring injuries can be – we believe in putting you first to obtain the best results for you
  • Duncan Lewis is one of the leading firms of Personal Injury and Legal Aid solicitors in the UK
  • Our initial advice on making a claim for lacerations and scarring compensation is free
  • Duncan Lewis accepts lacerations and scarring compensate claims on a no win no fee basis, so you will not have to worry about legal fees
  • We will visit you at home if you are recovering from lacerations and scarring injuries or surgery – and can arrange expert medical opinions to help back up your claim
  • Duncan Lewis personal injury solicitors will make sure you understand every stage of your compensation claim or lacerations and scarring
  • We will handle negotiations for you, so you do not have to worry while you are recovering from your injuries.

Duncan Lewis personal injury solicitors have a successful track record in personal injury and serious injury claims.


Contact Duncan Lewis for free advice on making a compensation claim for lacerations and scarring by calling 020 7923 4020.

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